The problem

You’ve played with a tiling window manager such as i3 on a Linux distribution before and want something like this on your Mac. Fortunately there are a few options and we’ll be covering Yabai.


Some of the features require you to disable parts of System Integrity Protection on your Mac. To some people (e.g. those using a work machine), this is not possible. Please know that this isn’t needed but you will not be able to use borders properly. I think this is the biggest drawback but you will also not get animation-free desktop transitions. This can be partially fixed by enabling Reduce Motion in your accessibility settings.

SIP disabled features will be marked in the config so you can see what features you won’t get.

Disabling System Integrity Protection

As per the official docs:

  1. Turn off your device
  2. Hold down command ⌘R while booting your device. (takes a while)
  3. Continue until you see Utilities in the menu bar
  4. Select Terminal

    # If you're on macOS 10.14 and above
    # (printed warning can be safely ignored)
    csrutil enable --without debug --without fs
    # If you're on macOS 10.13
    # (disables SIP completely)
    csrutil disable
  5. Reboot

You can verify that System Integrity Protection is turned off by running csrutil status, which returns System Integrity Protection status: disabled. if it is turned off


If you don’t already have the Xcode CLI tools installed, you’ll need to do this.

  1. Check if Xcode is already installed
    $ xcode-select -p
  2. If that doesn’t output a path, install Xcode from the app store
  3. Install the CLI tools
    $ xcode-select --install

Install Yabai

  1. Install it from homebrew

    $ brew install koekeishiya/formulae/yabai
    # If you disabled SIP
    $ sudo yabai --install-sa
    $ killall Dock

Configure Yabai

  1. Create the config file
    $ mkdir -p ~/.config/yabai
    # Use the editor of your choice
    $ [code|vim|emacs] ~/.config/yabai/yabairc
  2. Use my config your make your own. You can see all the settings documented here.

    #!/usr/bin/env sh
    # global settings
    # focus window that your mouse hovers on (disabled due to right click bugs)
    yabai -m config focus_follows_mouse          off
    # move mouse to focused window
    yabai -m config mouse_follows_focus          on
    yabai -m config window_placement             second_child
    # floating windows always stay on top
    yabai -m config window_topmost               on
    # enable borders
    yabai -m config window_border                on
    # no clue what this is
    yabai -m config insert_feedback_color        0xffd75f5f
    yabai -m config split_ratio                  0.50
    # don't automatically rebalance windows
    yabai -m config auto_balance                 off
    # swap windows if moved with mouse
    yabai -m config mouse_action1                move
    # resize windows if resized with mouse
    yabai -m config mouse_action2                resize
    yabai -m config mouse_drop_action            swap
    # general space settings
    yabai -m config layout                       bsp
    yabai -m config top_padding                  5
    yabai -m config bottom_padding               5
    yabai -m config left_padding                 5
    yabai -m config right_padding                5
    yabai -m config window_gap                   06
    # SIP Required
    # prevent border from being under the active window
    yabai -m config active_window_border_topmost on
    yabai -m config window_shadow                on
    yabai -m config window_opacity               off
    yabai -m config window_border_width          6
    yabai -m config active_window_border_color   0xffff3050
    yabai -m config normal_window_border_color   0xffaaaaaa
  3. Make the config executable
    $ chmod +x ~/.config/yabai/yabairc

Install skhd

  1. Install it from homebrew
    $ brew install koekeishiya/formulae/skhd

Configure skhd

  1. Create the config file
    $ mkdir -p ~/.config/skhd
    $ [code|vim|emacs] ~/.config/skhd/skhdrc
  2. Copy my config. You can see a list of commands here.

    # Navigation
    alt - h : yabai -m window --focus west
    alt - j : yabai -m window --focus south
    alt - k : yabai -m window --focus north
    alt - l : yabai -m window --focus east
    # Moving windows
    shift + alt - h : yabai -m window --warp west
    shift + alt - j : yabai -m window --warp south
    shift + alt - k : yabai -m window --warp north
    shift + alt - l : yabai -m window --warp east
    # Move focus container to workspace
    shift + alt - 1 : yabai -m window --space 1
    shift + alt - 2 : yabai -m window --space 2
    shift + alt - 3 : yabai -m window --space 3
    shift + alt - 4 : yabai -m window --space 4
    shift + alt - 5 : yabai -m window --space 5
    # Resize windows
    ctrl + alt - h : \
        yabai -m window --resize left:-100:0 ; \
        yabai -m window --resize right:-100:0
    ctrl + alt - j : \
        yabai -m window --resize bottom:0:100 ; \
        yabai -m window --resize top:0:100
    ctrl + alt - k : \
        yabai -m window --resize top:0:-100 ; \
        yabai -m window --resize bottom:0:-100
    ctrl + alt - l : \
        yabai -m window --resize right:100:0 ; \
        yabai -m window --resize left:100:0
    # Float and center window
    shift + alt - c : yabai -m window --toggle float;\
                    yabai -m window --grid 4:4:1:1:2:2
    # Set insertion point for focused container
    shift + ctrl + alt - h : yabai -m window --insert west
    shift + ctrl + alt - j : yabai -m window --insert south
    shift + ctrl + alt - k : yabai -m window --insert north
    shift + ctrl + alt - l : yabai -m window --insert east
    # Float / Unfloat window
    shift + alt - space : yabai -m window --toggle float
    # Make fullscreen
    alt - f         : yabai -m window --toggle zoom-fullscreen
    # Change desktop
    ctrl - 1 : yabai -m space --focus 1
    ctrl - 2 : yabai -m space --focus 2
    ctrl - 3 : yabai -m space --focus 3
    ctrl - 4 : yabai -m space --focus 4
    ctrl - 5 : yabai -m space --focus 5

Start services

  1. Start Yabai and skhd through homebrew. These will now launch on startup.
    $ brew services start skhd
    $ brew services start yabai
  2. You will probably be asked to give accessability permissions. Do it.

You’re done! 🎉

Please look at the skhd config for keyboard shortcuts. It takes a bit of practice but once you get used to it you can’t go back.